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Nomination process
UNFU provides transparent and non-discriminative selection of Erasmus+ participants. The Order of Rector approves the Committee of UNFU for nomination of students and staff for participating in Erasmus+ projects, chaired by the Vice-Rector in educational work and international relations. Members of the Committee are: Directors of the scientific and educational institutes, Head of the International Office (institutional coordinator of the mobility), Head of the Department of Didactics and Education.
Required documents from the applicants are:
- Transcript of records in English (only for students)
- Short preliminary work plan (only for academic staff)
- Motivation letter in English
- Letter of support
- Copy of Passport
- Curriculum Vitae
- Language certificate issued by the university or copy of an International language test certificate.
Selection of participants will be made based on following criteria:
- Sufficient English proficiency
- Level of academic performance.
- Motivation and relevance of the mobility.
- In case of staff: scientific and academic degree.
- Previous academic activities, e.g. publications.
UNFU disseminates the opportunities about mobility on the main web-page of university
http://nltu.edu.ua/ and web-page of Erasmus+ projects https://nltu.edu.ua/index.php/diialnist/mizhnarodna/erasmus-ka1/konkursy-erazmus and via e-mails directly to all departments and leaders of students groups.
Support before mobility: International Office of UNFU is responsible for consultation and review of appropriate documents and applications before mobility.
During mobility:
In case of student’s mobility, the supervisor organizes meetings and helps regarding study issues. ‘Buddy friend’ helps in all practical issues regarding the students’ life at UNFU. In case of staff mobility, the Head of department, which provides the placement for training/teaching, organises face-to-face meeting and helps with activities within mobility agreement. The International Office will assist in accommodation and acquaintance with the university structure and city.
During the mobility, students and staff are expected to follow the general regulations regarding studies at UNFU. They are welcome to use all the facilities provided to students by UNFU, such as libraries, sports facilities, student canteens, computer classes etc.
After the mobility, students present their Transcripts of Records at sending HEI, which will proceed with the recognition of credits according to the national and institutional legislation, in particular the University Regulation on Implementation Mobility Projects. All credits collected during the mobility will be included in the Diploma supplement.
At UNFU, outgoing staff members are required to submit the report. The mobility experience will be elaborated in the personal report, which is discussed with colleagues at the department’s meeting.
UNFU will recognise the learning outcomes of outgoing students’ mobility according to Transcript of Records from Partner University. If it is not possible for a student to get 30 ECTS credits per semester at partner university due to slight divergence of study programs or other reasons, then plan for studying some courses at UNFU is offered to the student according to the difference in credits.
In case of staff ‘s mobility, UNFU is focusing on the result of mobility which is development of courses or modules in English and their compulsory inclusion in curriculum at UNFU. It contributes to the strategic goal of UNFU Internalization Strategy-2026 which is to increase the number of disciplines taught in English.
Debriefing participants after mobility. Outgoing staff and students present their reports about the results of mobility on the meetings of relevant department and Academic Council of the Institute.
Upon their return, students also share their experience during orientation sessions for first-year students and during meetings of leaders of students groups.