Scheduled activities:

1. Interuniversity education training course "Interactive content"

In this measure, a training course for students and university staff of both universities (HNEE and UNFU) will be developed and implemented. The course will not be integrated in the curriculum but will be offered as an additional technical training on a regular basis (once per semester).

The aim of the course is to increase the level of information and communication competences of students and teachers by deepening their basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of services and programs for the development of interactive presentations and videos. Potentially, such skills may be needed by students to present their own research results and teachers to use in the educational process in enhancing subject-methodological and didactic approaches.

Target group:

  • Teachers of both universities (approximately 10 people)
  • Masters and bachelors of both universities (approximately 50 people)

Requirements for participation:

  • Availability of time and motivation
  • Sufficient English skills


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  • Online training (3 hours/week)


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Syllabus of training course




  • March - June 2023.

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See more about training course here reg





Ihor Kroshnyy

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Information Technologies, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Oleksandr Storozhuk

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Information Systems and Computer Modeling, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Juliana Pavliuk

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Computer Modeling, Ukrainian National Forestry University



Oleksiy Sinkevych

Assistant of the Department of Information Technologies, Ukrainian National Forestry University

2. Interuniversity elective educational discipline "Green Project Development and Management"

Green Projects at different governance levels and sectors are extremely important for achieving sustainable development goals and accelerating implementation of green innovations. This course makes students familiar with the process of designing green projects and equip them with the most up to date knowledge necessary to its successful implementation. This knowledge will be complemented with the skills, which will allow to create a proposal competitive enough to receive appropriate funding and to be transformed into successful projects. In this course students learn about, how to adapt modern international projects management tools to research projects area with specific focus on environment protection and natural resource management (especially sustainable development of bioeconomy, including forest sector and cluster model of forestry; conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services).

Target group:

  • Masters and postgraduate students of both universities (approximately 12 people)
  • Scientific and administrative staff of both universities (approximately 12 people)

Requirements for participation:

  • Availability of time and motivation
  • Application with motivation letter (selection process if necessary)
  • Sufficient English skills


  • Online training (4 hours/week)
  • Face-to-face meetings in Eberswalde (one working week)
  • Joint writing of project applications in mixed international groups


  • March - June 2023.




Vasyl Lavnyy

Vice Rector for Research of UNFU, Professor of the Silviculture department, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Ihor Soloviy

Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Ecological Economics and Management, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Orest Kiyko

Professor, Head of the furniture and wood products technology department, Ukrainian National Forestry University


3. Joint elective inter-university educational module "Ecosystem / Natural Resource Management in Transforming Countries"

In this measure a module that is already well established at HNEE will be further developed to be integrated and offered to Bachelor and Master students at UNFU to allow a deeper and joint implementation in the long-term.

The elective modules “Ecosystem Management in Transformation Countries'' for Bachelor students (International Forest Ecosystem Management) and “Natural Resource Management in Transformation Countries” for Master students (Global Change Management) are offered in the summer term and are jointly implemented at HNEE as a 10-days field trip with a focus on Western Ukraine.

Target group:

  • Masters and Bachelors of UNFU (approximately 20 people)
  • Masters and Bachelors of HNEE (approximately 30 people)

Requirements for participation:

  • Availability of time and motivation
  • Sufficient English skills
  • Studying in the relevant or related specialties


  • 10-day excursion to Western Ukraine
  • Conducting research and creating video materials using a modern quadcopter, action camera and other technical means (on-site)
  • Group work and completion of research results (online)


  • August 2023.



Pierre L. Ibisch

Professor for Nature Conservation of Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development


Andriy Holovko

Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Angela Dichte

Employee of the Center for Economics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development


4. Think Tank ERUkA «Empowerment and resilience of Ukrainian academia in the field of socio-ecological reconstruction and restoration»

In this measure we will create an open-ended but goal-oriented exchange on opportunities and challenges for research and academic education in Ukraine related to socio-ecological ecosystem management in the broadest sense (e.g. from forest sector and nature conservation to renewable energy production and ecological economics). Under the conditions of climate change, there is an urgent need for action to make forest management more ecosystem-friendly and to manage the entire range of ecosystem services in the sense of a socio-ecological concept. This includes nature-based solutions for climate protection and adaptation to climate change, as well as forest justice for all people who benefit from forest ecosystem services. Direct or indirect consequences of war that have degraded ecosystems also have a special significance. The further strengthening and transformation of Ukrainian academic education towards more dialogue and citizens’ involvement as well as problem and action oriented learning approaches will be discussed in working groups using a variety of workshop formats.

Target group:

As in this measure the focus will not be on the Ukrainian National Forestry University alone but will look at Ukraine as a whole, we wish to involve persons and institutions from all over Ukraine. A network of universities and further experts (e.g. from relevant ministries) as well as students should be built and further strengthened.

Requirements for participation:


  • Meetings and workshops will be organized online on a regular basis, but with occasional intensive in-person workshops. If need be a hybrid format will be organized to allow the participation for all members.


  • November 2022 - December 2023.




Pierre L. Ibisch

Professor for Nature Conservation of Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development


Vasyl Lavnyy

Vice Rector for Research of UNFU, Professor of the Silviculture department, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Ihor Soloviy

Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Ecological Economics and Management, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Orest Kiyko

Professor, Head of the furniture and wood products technology department, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Victoria Khrutba

Professor of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies, National Transport University


Yuliia Nikitchenko

Associate Professor of Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development


Andriy Holovko

Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, Ukrainian National Forestry University


Angela Dichte

Employee of the Center for Economics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development


Oleksiy Sinkevych

Assistant of the Department of Information Technologies, Ukrainian National Forestry University



Fedane De Carlo

Intern student of the Center for Economics and Ecosystem Management, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development


Detailed information about the Think Tank ERUkA at the link.

Our partner university is Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development

HNEhne2Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (EUSD) was founded in 1830 as a higher forestry school in Eberswalde. This university is constantly focused on sustainable development, the environment and nature conservation, which makes it a leader in Germany in terms of "green" learning.

EUSD is one of the most research universities of applied sciences in Germany. It is one of the few universities in Europe that focuses on the research areas of "sustainable rural development" and "sustainable production and use of natural substances". EUSD has long been a pioneer in these subject areas.

The main areas of research include:


  • Sustainable development of rural areas
  • Regional economic development
  • Monitoring and planning in large protected areas
  • Geographic information systems (abbreviated GIS) and remote sensing
  • Business consulting
  • Tourism development
  • Organic farming and marketing
  • Sustainable production and use of natural products
  • Wood processing
  • Renewable energy
  • Renewable raw materials
  • Forest protection

Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development has more than 70 partnerships with colleges, universities and institutes around the world. One of the most important partner universities is the Ukrainian National Forestry University.